Grieving for my country

There is no other way to say this – the U.S. election of Donald Trump as President has gripped me with grief, and fear.  As each day passes, further news of the dys-function of this man, and …

Source: Grieving for my country

About Peggy L Chinn

feminist, nurse activist, writer, founding editor of ANS Advances in Nursing Science, quilter, grandmother nurturing the future of the amazing children in my life.
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2 Responses to Grieving for my country

  1. peggychinn says:

    Thank you so much for posting this – I think you are from Argentina? My daughter-in-law translated your message for me – so I am posting this translation here so others can also know your story. This is very scary. Do stay connected in any way you can!
    Translation: I understand and share your pain. In my country a millionaire businessman who only governs for the rich and is starving the poor and working class also won.Health and education are moving backwards. There are 4 nurses for every 10,000 people and where I am there are 33 doctors per nurse . Suicide, domestic violence and mobs are on the rise. A disaster!

  2. msotovercher says:

    Querida Peggy
    Comprendo y comparto tu duelo. En mi país (Argentina) también ganó un empresario millonario que solo gobierna para la gente rica y mata de hambre a los trabajadores y a los pobres. Salud y educación en retroceso. Hay 4 enfermeras cada 10.000 habitantes y en mi localidad hay 33 médicos por cada enfermera. Aumentan los suicidios, la violencia familiar y hospitalaria (mobbing).
    Un desastre!!

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