Jessica Dillard-Wright Dissertation Defense: Topic – Cassandra Radical Feminist Nurses Network: Feminism, Nursing and History for the Present

On October 29, 2020, Jessica Dillard-Wright successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at the College of Nursing, Augusta University! She has obtained permission to have the recording of her defense distributed – it is of course an important topic for me personally, but this recording shows an exemplar doctoral defense presentation!

Download dissertation defense announcement

About Jessica

Jessica Dillard-Wright lives, works, and plays in Augusta, Georgia with her/their beautiful family, which includes Devi, Atticus, Oscar, and Tallulah Dillard-Wright. Jessica is faculty at Augusta University College of Nursing and director for the College’s Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In addition to Jessica’s academic work, she/they is also involved in activist work to foster a more just, equitable future for people, communities, nursing, healthcare, everyone. She/they is an organizing member of the Radical Nurses Collective, the Nursology Theory Collective, the Compost Collaborative, Nursing Mutual Aid, and the Transform Nursing Reading to Action Initiative. She/they also knits relentlessly!

About Peggy L Chinn

feminist, nurse activist, writer, founding editor of ANS Advances in Nursing Science, quilter, grandmother nurturing the future of the amazing children in my life.
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2 Responses to Jessica Dillard-Wright Dissertation Defense: Topic – Cassandra Radical Feminist Nurses Network: Feminism, Nursing and History for the Present

  1. cathwrynn says:

    thank you so much for sharing this. Congratulations to Dr Jessica Dillard-Wright!

    I appreciate seeing fellow queer nurses gather and think together, and so appreciate this historical narrative being shared. I had similar questions to some panel members and also look forward to ongoing dialogue through these lenses and intersections…

  2. psyrn says:

    Thanks for this. Saving it.Linda Shallash

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